Saturday, March 28, 2015

Are You Serious And Want to Boost Confidence? Then Tell Jokes

How to be funny? How to turn from serious to funny and how to boost confidence with that? If you are part of serious people who like to build confidence, read on.

Being able to get a small group or even a full room to laugh can help your own confidence and alleviate anxiousness in an unfamiliar setting. Whether your goal is to add some levity to a stressful situation, or just to have a few laughs with your friends, here are a few tips on how to tell a joke.

The more you tell a certain joke, the more you will be able to figure out what is important to tell and what is OK to leave out. Sometimes an added bonus in the reaction to the joke is when the listener figures out you fooled them into thinking it was a real story and laughs even harder.

It is simple common sense that you will not tell an off-color joke to your pastor, or try to get a six-year-old to laugh with a political joke. It is also beneficial if you know enough about someone or a group to change details of a joke to reflect common jargon or ideas of what is funny.

Should serious people tell jokes?

Funny people tend to be liked by everyone, and those who know how to lighten the mood with an appropriate funny joke are welcome in any company. Don't start laughing in the middle of telling your joke, no matter how funny do you find it.

If you’re a serious
how to tell funny jokes?
Is it a funny way to tell funny jokes?
person to start with, just tell your joke with your regular voice tone and expression, and only laugh when others start laughing. That way, you can be sure they actually laugh with you, not at you.

It may seem superfluous wanting to learn to be funny and tell jokes, but you’re actually improving your personality by becoming a more positive person, a charmer.

Even the most serious situation can be made more tolerable with a funny joke.

Do Jokes Boost Your Confidence?

Instead, most people choose a doctor who sounds confident, assures us that they have successfully treated many people and puts you at ease. Whereas, if you lack self belief and the ability to communicate effectively with people it will harm your career prospects.

People with a lot less skill than you but greater self confidence in their own abilities will get ahead of you.
So, are there any easy ways to help you develop your communication skills and develop a self confidence that inspires others?

As you develop, you will learn that jokes use the same powerful elements that we use to tell stories and you will learn how to use emotional triggers and phrase things for the maximum benefit.

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