Saturday, January 4, 2014

Superman Is Not A Superhero!

Anybody think Superman is the greatest superhero must think twice. He is not. He is not different from any other guys who experience ups and downs in life without unlimited power.

If you keep thinking he is the most undefeated among other super tough guys out there, he cannot even fly! You know what? Mr. Lex Luthor has already weakened him. Luthor didn't have to use kryptonite to knock Superman down. He just sits still now guarding the public toilet after cleaning it. Wait and see what's going to happen next.

superman funny jokeWhat has Luthor done to him? Sorry, readers, it's a secret, I don't have to share it here with you. That's not too important for you to know. But ... it's okay, I give you a clue. Archidendron pauciflorum, commonly known as Jengkol, Dogfruit, or Jering, it is a species of flowering tree in the pea family, Fabaceae, that is native to Southeast Asia. Superman has already eaten it! Previously he's not well when he consumed it more and more. Can you imagine, how can a superhero get attracted to such food making your breath stinks. Lex Luthor has set him up.

So here's the "blueprint" to trap Superman: Luthor has already destroyed all restrooms and public toilets in the world. Now, there's only one available waiting for him to get a big catch. Our superhero suffering a bad diarrhea now. Uh-oh! As I told you Superman is not a superhero, now it's your homework to find the solution to this matter, okay?

Sorry, no joke today.

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